The second face-to-face meeting of the Blueskilling Innovation project took place in Brest (France) organized by the Université de Bretagne Occidentale on June 18 and 19, 2024.
The deliberations of the team focused on the finalization of WP1 “Analysis of Skill Gaps and Needs to Boost Blue Innovation in the Shipbuilding and Offshore Supply Chain” and on the planning of WP2 “Analysis of the Existing Training Supply in University and Vocational Training in the Atlantic Area”. An especially important section has been the administrative and financial issues, as well as the project’s communication and dissemination.
The participants have had the possibility to know the facilities of the Technological Institute of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, the sea rescue simulation platform, the Chantiers du Guip and the 70.8 Museum for Ocean & Maritime Innovations.
Finally, the following face-to-face meeting has been planned to be held on November 12th and 13th in Lisbon (Portugal).